
JIS Equivalent Products

We manufacture and sell platinum crucibles, platinum evaporation dishes, and platinum boats, which are our standard Pt products.
All products are made from extremely high purity materials with a standard platinum purity of 99.95% or more.


Pt Crucibles

Chemical Component, Pt > 99.95%

JIS Number Outer Diameter
(w/o cover)
(with cover)
Top Bottom
10 25 15 27 ±1 8 10 10
15 28 17 31 ±1 12 15 15
20 32 19 34 ±1 16 20 20
25 34 20 38 ±1 20 25 25
30 36 22 40 ±1 24 30 30
40 41 25 45 ±1 33 40 40
50 44 27 47 ±1 42 50 50

※Please enter the product name, number, and size in the contents of an inquiry.

Pt Evaporation Dishes

Chemical Component, Pt > 99.95%

JIS Number Outer Diameter
Weight(¥/g) Capacity(cc)
Top Bottom
35 50 45 25 ±1 20 35
50 60 54 28 ±1 27 50
75 65 59 30 ±1 30 75
90 70 63 35 ±1 35 90
100 75 68 36 ±1 40 100
150 80 72 38 ±1 55 150
200 90 81 45 ±1 75 200

*Other materials such as GS-FPO, Pt-10%Rh, Au available.
*Other dimension than JIS equivalent available.

※Please enter the product name, number, and size in the contents of an inquiry.

Pt Boats

Chemical Component, Pt > 99.95%

JIS Number Length
Handle Length
Top Bottom Top Bottom
12 12 10 5 4 5 under 6 ±1 1
14 14 12 5 4 5 under 6 ±1 1
16 16 14 6 5 6 under 6 ±1 1
20 20 17 10 8 10 under 6 ±1 2
30 30 26 10 8 10 under 6 ±1 3
40 40 34 10 8 10 under 10 ±1 5
50 50 43 15 10 13 under 10 ±1 8
60 60 53 15 10 13 under 10 ±1 12
70 70 60 15 10 13 under 20 ±1 15
80 90 70 15 10 13 under 20 ±1 20
90 90 80 18 13 15 under 20 ±1 25
100 100 90 20 15 15 under 20 ±1 30

*Other materials such as GS-FPO, Pt-10%Rh, Au available.
*Other dimension than JIS equivalent available.

※Please enter the product name, number, and size in the contents of an inquiry.

Handles in left pictures have rectangular and/or round hokes.
Bottom size are measured as shown in above sketch.

Special forms are upon request.


Frequently asked questions.

  • What is the maximum wafer size for film deposition?
  • What is the annealing temperature?
  • I'd like to reuse an used beet dish...
  • I would like to know the price of Ru nitrate and the recent metal price.

Opening from 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays